【同义词辨析】 2019-07-17 可塑plastic-adaptable

plastic: applies to substances soft enough to be molded yet capable of hardening into a final fixed form: ~ materials allow the sculptor greater freedom.  mold表示浇铸塑造,还有一个意思是                                                                                                发霉

pliable: suggests something easily bent, folded, twisted, or manipulated: headphones that are ~ and can be bent to fit.

pliant: may stress flexibility and sometimes connotes springiness or, in persons, submissiveness: select an athletic shoe with a ~ sole.  spring弹簧发条,是卷曲的推拉后能恢复形状金属refers to a twisted piece of metal that can be pushed or pulled but always returns to its original shape afterwards)

ductile: applies to what can be drawn out or extended with ease: copper is one of the most ~ of metals. #注意用法

malleable: applies to what may be pressed or beaten into shape: the ~ properties of god enhance its value.  锻造指利用锻压设备对金属施加压力,使其产生塑性变形。 类似于民进党常说的打压

adaptable: implies the capability of being easily modified to suit other conditions, needs, or uses: computer hardware that is ~.  modify修改改造和change改变有区别,modify表示为了限制或者适应新需求而做修改means to make a difference in order to limit, restrict, or adapt to a new purpose,如modified the building for use by the handicapped改造建筑以便残疾人使用,语法中表示某词修饰某词,如副词修饰形容词,形容词修饰名词。change泛指改变,但暗示改动较大

plastic塑性可塑: 可软化浇铸,又可硬化定形,pliable易折叠: 指容易弯折,pliant弹性或顺从: 表示物体有弹性或人顺从,ductile可延展: 可以容易地延伸,malleable可锻造: 可以打造定形,adaptable适应性的: 容易修改改造适应情况需求用途

记忆方法: 1)首字母PPPDMA排列成DAMP3潮湿<==可塑

         2)可塑的意思是容易变形mean susceptible of being modified in form or nature.